How to Benefit from the Asset Write-Off Extension For Small Businesses
Propel Business Group is excited to share with our clients that the Australian Government has announced that the instant asset write-off scheme introduced to bring forward spending amongst the 2020 pandemic will be extended for 12 months, until June 2022. What does this mean for Australian SMEs? For Australian small businesses, this means that it...
Read MoreGreen light for the JobKeeper Stimulus Package
The $130 billion Job Keeper stimulus package may be a game changer for a lot of businesses owners, sole traders, and employees who have either been stood down already, or were fearing losing their job in the near future. To reiterate, any business that has lost 30% or more of their revenue in recent weeks can apply for the Job Keeper...
Read MoreD.I.Y. Checklist During COVID-19
All businesses need to have a plan in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. This checklist provides general guidance around important aspects and actions you should be considering for your business. We encourage you to have regular contact with your accountant and if you need guidance we are happy to speak for a no obligation phone...
Read MoreWA Businesses – The State has some Relief
The Western Australian Government has announced measures to support small business during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The small business relief includes: $17,500 grants for small businesses with a payroll between $1 million and $4 million. The $1 million payroll tax threshold (announced in October 2019) will be brought forward by six months to 1 July...
Read MoreWage Stimulus – Understanding the JobKeeker Payment
Eligible employers will be paid $1,500 per fortnight per eligible employee. Eligible employees will receive, at a minimum, $1,500 per fortnight, before tax, and employers are able to top-up the payment. Where employers participate in the scheme, their employees will receive this payment as follows. If an employee ordinarily receives $1,500 or more in income...
Read MoreTreating Your Business Like An ATM?
Back before you were a business owner and you held down a regular job, with a wage, that wage would land in your bank account every payday, and then you’d do your best not to spend it all before the next one was due. If you did run out of money, the only way to get more...
Read MoreBusiness Structure Considerations
Most business owners want to build a scalable business with strong brand recognition. Initially, their focus is firmly on product development in order to produce a useful and saleable product or service. In these early stages of development, implementing a robust commercial structure might seem like an unnecessary task. At Propel Business Group we understand...
Read MoreDo You Know Your Numbers?
The team at Propel Business Group have been working together for over 20 years. During that time we have worked with hundreds of business owners to help them grow, adapt and succeed. After giving advice to such a vast number of private family businesses across a variety of industries, we came to realise that most...
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Suite 6, 36 Cedric Street
Stirling WA 6021 (08) 9440 7100
South Perth
Suite 50, 15 Labouchere Road
South Perth WA 6151 (08) 9474 3355
Unit 4 / 16 Hedland Place
Karratha WA 6714 (08) 9144 1066