Are you an Australian Employer? Download your FREE guide to JobKeeper Payments
It might be a confusing time to be an Australian Employer, Propel Business Group is committed to providing our clients with the most easy to digest information to help their business survive during these difficult times. Download your free Employer Guide to understand the JobKeeper payment, eligibility criteria, payment process, Fair Work Act changes for employers...
Read MoreGreen light for the JobKeeper Stimulus Package
The $130 billion Job Keeper stimulus package may be a game changer for a lot of businesses owners, sole traders, and employees who have either been stood down already, or were fearing losing their job in the near future. To reiterate, any business that has lost 30% or more of their revenue in recent weeks can apply for the Job Keeper...
Read MoreD.I.Y. Checklist During COVID-19
All businesses need to have a plan in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. This checklist provides general guidance around important aspects and actions you should be considering for your business. We encourage you to have regular contact with your accountant and if you need guidance we are happy to speak for a no obligation phone...
Read MoreWA Businesses – The State has some Relief
The Western Australian Government has announced measures to support small business during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The small business relief includes: $17,500 grants for small businesses with a payroll between $1 million and $4 million. The $1 million payroll tax threshold (announced in October 2019) will be brought forward by six months to 1 July...
Read MoreWage Stimulus – Understanding the JobKeeker Payment
Eligible employers will be paid $1,500 per fortnight per eligible employee. Eligible employees will receive, at a minimum, $1,500 per fortnight, before tax, and employers are able to top-up the payment. Where employers participate in the scheme, their employees will receive this payment as follows. If an employee ordinarily receives $1,500 or more in income...
Key Person Insurance, also known as Key Man Insurance, is an insurance policy that is taken out on the life of a key employee within a business. It works to protect businesses from losses should a key staff member (one integral to the success of that business) be incapacitated through death, illness or a significant...
Read MoreWant to start a small business?
You decided you want to take the plunge. It’s now or never. You want to start your own business. This decision will change your life both professionally and personally and will likely involve a significant financial commitment. The success of your business depends on many things, including your abilities, initiative and capacity to work, as...
You have a brilliant idea and you are convinced that it is going to be a real money maker. There is a gap in the market and your business is going to fill it. But, when talking to your friend about it, his response was, “a start-up? Is that a good idea?” Is your business...
When was the last time you examined exactly where your dollars are going? Taking the time to review last months’ credit card statement can be enlightening. You may discover that most of the earnings left over after paying your basic personal and business expenses were being foolishly spent. That coffee before work every morning? That...
Read MoreEstate planning essentials
Planning your estate is an important part of managing your financial affairs. It allows you to pass on your assets to intended people in your life while minimising adverse tax implications. When planning your estate, consider the following: Having a valid, up-to-date Will First and foremost, individuals should have a valid and up-to-date Will. A...
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Suite 6, 36 Cedric Street
Stirling WA 6021 (08) 9440 7100
South Perth
Suite 50, 15 Labouchere Road
South Perth WA 6151 (08) 9474 3355
Unit 4 / 16 Hedland Place
Karratha WA 6714 (08) 9144 1066